We all want our pets to live as long as possible. We also want them to have a good
quality of life. Sometimes, when the end is near, it is difficult for us to determine on our
own whether or not our pet still has a good quality of life. Our emotions can make it
difficult for us to see things clearly. In these instances, our veterinarians can provide you
with a Quality of Life Consultation.
There are many factors that contribute to the quality of life for your pet:
- Physical limitations due to illness or age
- Pain level
- Breathing and respiratory function
- Ability to eliminate (urinate and defecate)
- Ability to maintain hygiene
- Ability/interest in eating and drinking
- Ability to sleep and rest
- Ability to enjoy interactions with humans and other pets
Ability to enjoy favorite activities e.g. being outside, watching birds from inside, etc.
Your level of worry/concern for your pet
Financial concerns/Cost of care
As hard as it is to realize that the end may be near, it is best not to put off scheduling a
consultation. Our veterinarians may be able to work with you to find a solution to help
improve your pet’s quality of life, for the short-term or even longer-term.
If the assessment indicates that the end is near, we can help you plan a peaceful
passing for your pet with our Euthanasia services. We have cremation services
available, as well as the option to request a clay paw print.
Please call our clinic to find out more about our Quality of Life consultations,
Euthanasia, and Cremation services.